Urban Sustainable Development

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proiect prezentat la conferinta economica internationala de la sibiu 2010.


  1. 1. Introduction
  2. 2. The need of sustainable development at EU and global level
  3. 3. Means and procedures of good organizing for Urban Sustainable Development
  4. 3.1. Shanghai Expo 2010
  5. A. Pavilion of Footprint
  6. B. Urban Dwellers Pavilion
  7. C. Pavilion of Urban Planet
  8. D. Pavilion of Future/Dreams
  9. E. Pavilion of City Being
  10. 3.2. Eco-cities worldwide. Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-city
  11. 4. Conclusion
  12. 5. Bibliography

Extras din proiect


Urban sustainable development by Paula Amariei

The need of sustainable development at EU and global level

The conflict between economic and environmental concerns that we are facing in Romania, and all over the world should engage every citizen and attract him towards sustainable development.

I want to place my knowledge and expertise to work towards changing the mentality in my country with regards to sustainability, and to bring my skills, expertise and experience to a vibrant economic area and a clean environment in accordance with new laws and regulations designed to protect the environment for further generations in my County of Sibiu, in Romania, in Europe and the world.

Means and procedures of good organizing for Urban Sustainable Development

Presentation of the Shanghai Expo 2010. The theme of the exposition will be "Better City – Better Life" and is focusing towards a sustainable city, and is exploring different aspects of urban development.

Romania is the only country in Eastern Europe to have its own pavilion at the Shanghai Expo 2010.

The Expo will have 5 theme pavilions: Urban Footprints, Urban Planet, Urban Dwellers, Urban Beings, and Urban Dreams. This Expo will be the first green, eco-friendly world exhibition.

The expo aims to communicate that the three organisms, the people, urban and nature (the earth) are strongly linked, bounded, and form a whole.

Building eco-cities. An eco-city is designed with consideration of environmental impact, inhabited by people dedicated to minimization of required inputs of energy, water and food, and waste output of heat, air pollution - CO2, methane, and water pollution.

Nuclear energy? Why not wind power?

Car on diesel or petrol? But why not a hybrid?

Gas or electric heating? Why not solar?

Hot water from electric boiler or gas? But why not from the sun?

Why be dependent on suppliers of gas / electricity / water, you can be independent of all these contracts? Gradually, it is possible. All you need is initiative, motivation, desire and commitment.


- Sustainable = sustainability, sustainable, viable and feasible.

- Urban development

- Green building

- Overdevelopment

1. Introduction

Sustainable development is a current phenomenon, increasingly present in our lives. It is a concept that has always existed on Earth. Continuous development, inventions, technology and rapid changes around us are good on the one hand, but in reality they are bad. People spoil what nature has created instead of appreciating and thanking for what they have.

If we build in a greener way, more sustainable, and in an economical way, we have a win-win situation. For example, a house should not be in tons of concrete, cement and other non-degradable materials, but it should be construed in accordance with nature, to be built out of nature.

European Union policies and international conferences on environmental protection are a beginning, though not enough has changed. CO2 emissions are too important for developed countries to reduce them. Oil thirst and the thirst for profit are unfortunately harming all mankind.

Therefore, I consider the theme "Sustainable urban development" and others, a theme that all people ought to know, and be aware of the damage we create, and make a change into better.

2. The need of sustainable development at EU and global level

The conflict between economic and environmental concerns that we are facing in Romania and all over the world should engage and attract every citizen towards sustainable development.

I want to place my knowledge and expertise to work towards changing the mentality in my country with regards to sustainability, and to bring my skills, expertise and experience to a vibrant economic area and a clean environment in accordance with new laws and regulations designed to protect the environment for further generations in my County of Sibiu, in Romania, and in Europe.

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