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Puncte necesare: 6
Profesor îndrumător / Prezentat Profesorului: Luca Dan Serbanati
Dezvoltarea unei aplicatii gen E-opera. Cuprinde partea de design - Business model, diagrame, etc.

Extras din proiect

I. Problem statement

The board of the Opera decides to implement a software system in order to optimize the activities that take place in the business.

First of all the system is used by the cashier at the entrance who sells tickets. The tickets have different prices depending on the play for which the customer is requiring the ticket.

Students, soldiers and retirees benefit from reductions. Students have a reduction of 25%, soldiers 35% and retirees 50%.

The customer can purchase a monthly subscription to the shows. When doing so he receives a 20% discount for the monthly subscription. The subscription will be issued on a membership card, to have reduced prices for the tickets. For a subscription, the client must present an ID card in order to give their name, address and the series and number of the ID card.

The system should allow the cashier to enter the details needed for the ticket. These details are: ticket number, seat number and the name of the play that the ticket is for.

The system should also compute the total price of the ticket and add the necessary reductions, if they are needed.

The system should allow visitors to reserve tickets. After reserving a ticket, the system should allow for confirmation of the reservation searching the reservation by the clients’ name.

The system also keeps tracks of the available shows allowing the administrator to add, modify or delete a show. The administrator can enter details such as distribution, or other type of details etc. To manage the shows, the administrator must login using a username and a password.

II. Business modeling

When starting to develop an application, the first step is to analyze the business, understand its processes, workflows and the business roles within that company. Also we need to look at who interacts with the business and how and decide how the interactions affect our business. These steps all represent an abstraction of the otherwise complex business and they are known as BUSINESS MODELING.

The business modeling will enable a better understanding of the environment in which we implement the system and also offer a possibility for business improvements.

In order for the business to properly support the software system, a business model must be created because an abstraction will better fit the requirements of that business. The model consists of diagrams (structure), objects (resources) and processes (functions in the business).

The interaction of all these entities offer are modeled by the use cases which will define the scope of the system that has been developed. Use cases will include anything that is within the system, while the actors will include anything that is external to the business.

For my problem I will try to develop a business model that best fits the business functions that result from analyzing the problem statement.

The business model

1. The actors that interact with the system are:

- the client

2. The agents that interact with the system are:

- the cashier

- the administrator

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E-Opera - Pagina 27
E-Opera - Pagina 28
E-Opera - Pagina 29
E-Opera - Pagina 30

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