About Pepsi

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About Pepsi

- Pepsi-Cola, commonly called Pepsi, is a soft drink produced and manufactured by PepsiCo.

- It is sold worldwide in stores,restaurants and vending machines.

- The drink was firsr made in the 1890s,by pharmacist Caleb Bradham

- The brand was trademarked on June 16,1903

- There have been many Pepsi variants produced over the years, including: Diet Pepsi, Pepsi Max,Pepsi Samba, Pepsi Blue,Pepsi Gold, Pepsi Jazz and Pepsi Next (available in Japan)


In 1975, PepsiCo introduced the Pepsi Challenge marketing campaign where PepsiCo set up a blind tasting between Pepsi-Cola and rival Coca-Cola.During these blind taste tests the majority of participants picked Pepsi as the better tasting of the two soft drinks. PepsiCo took great advantage of the campaign with television commercials reporting the test results to the public.

In 1996, PepsiCo launched the highly successful Pepsi Stuff marketing strategy

By 2002, the strategy was cited by Promo Magazine as one of 16 “Ageless Wonders” that “helped redefine promotion marketing”

In 2007, PepsiCo announced that Pepsi’s cans would be redesigned again.


- 1939: "Twice as Much for a Nickel"

- 1950: "More Bounce to the Ounce"

- 1958: "Be Sociable, Have a Pepsi"

- 1961: "Now It's Pepsi for Those Who Think Young"

- 1963: "Come Alive, You're in the Pepsi Generation".

- 1967: "(Taste that beats the others cold) Pepsi Pours It On".

- 1969: "You've Got a Lot to Live, Pepsi's Got a Lot to Give".

- 1973: "Join the Pepsi people (feeling free)".

- 1975: "Have a Pepsi day".

- 1979: "Catch that Pepsi spirit".

- 1981: "Pepsi's got your taste for life".

- 1983: "Pepsi's Now!"

- 1984: "The Choice of a New Generation".

- 1991: "Gotta Have It."

- 1995: "Nothing Else is a Pepsi".

- 1997: "GeneratioNext".

- 1999: "Ask for More"/"The Joy of Cola".

- 2003: "It's the Cola"/"Dare for More".

- 2007: "More Happy".


The Pepsi-Cola drink contains basic ingredients found in most other similar drinks including carbonated water, high fructose corn syrope, sugar, colorings, phosphoric acid, caffeine, citric acid and natural flavors. The caffeine free Pepsi-Cola contains the same ingredients but no caffeine.


- Coca-Cola

- Control of market share is the key issue.Both Coke and Pepsi are trying to gain market share in this beverage market.

- The facts are that each company is coming up with new products and ideas in order to increase their market share.

- The creativity and effectiveness of each company's marketing strategy will ultimately determine the winner with respect to sales, profits, and customer loyalty .

- Not only are these two companies constructing new ways to sell Coke and Pepsi, but they are also thinking of ways in which to increase market share in other beverage categories.

- Although the goal of both companies are exactly the same, the two companies rely on somewhat different marketing strategies . Pepsi has always taken the lead in developing new products, but Coke soon learned their lesson and started to do the same.

- Pepsi has always taken risks, acted rapidly, and was always developing new advertising ideas. Pespi tried to find new markets, especially in foreign countries.

- In foreign markets, Pepsi has followed the marketing concept by offering products that meet consumer needs in order to gain market share.

- For instance, in certain countries, consumers wanted a soft drink that was low in sugar, yet did not have a diet taste or image .Pepsi responded by developing Pepsi Max.

- Pepsi in trying to capture market share has relied on the development of new products. In some cases the products have been successful.

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