History of Future Cars

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Publicat de: Martin Scurtu
Puncte necesare: 7
Profesor îndrumător / Prezentat Profesorului: Lect. Univ.Drd. Ana-Maria Stoica
Universitatea din Piteşti Facultatea de Mecanică şi Tehnologie

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The Technological Progress and How It Changes Mankind


Technology keeps changing, the evidence surrounds us, it is of fundamental importance to us and the step to a much easier and convenient life. Of course, some innovations proove more far-reaching than others; the microwave oven for example, a welcome convenience, seems unlikely to reshape life in the manner that the automobile has.

The use and harness of energy is one major factor that contributed to mankind evoluiton. From this perspective, four milestones of technological evolution can be identified: (1) use of tools, (2) control of fire, (3) application of the steam engine, and (4) control of nuclear power (Asimov 1972). Human societies always have relied for survival, on the making and using of tools. Stone tools date back over two million years ago. Here are some examples:

Tools made from bone and stone,bronze and an axe dating from the sweedish iron age.

Medieval Europe

European technology in the Middle Ages may be best described as a symbiosis of tradition and innovation. Significant advances were made in military technology with the development of plated armour , steel crossbows, counterweight trebuchets and the cannon.

Perhaps the Middle Ages are best known for their architectural development the invention of the pointed arch gave birth to the high rising Gothic style, the medieval fortifications gave the era the proverbial title of 'age of castles'.

The Industrial Revolution

The British Industrial Revolution is characterized by developments in the area of textile manufacturing, mining , metallurgy and transport driven due to the development of the steam engine. Above all the revolution was driven by cheap energy in the form of coal, produced in ever-increasing amounts from the rich resources of Britain. Coal used in furnace gave cast iron in much larger amounts than before, and a range of structures could be created, such as The Iron Bridge Cheap coal meant that industry was no longer constrained by water resources driving the mills, although it continued as a valuable source of power. The steam engine helped drain the mines, so more coal reserves could be reached, and the output of coal increased. The development of the high-pressure steam engine made locomotives possible, and a transport revolution followed.

The 19th century witnessed astonishing developments in transportation, construction, and communication technology originating in Europe, especially in Britain. The Steam Engine which had existed since the early 18th century, was practically applied to both steamboat and railway transportation. The first purpose built railway line opened between Manchester and Liverpool in 1830, the Rocket locomotive of Robert Stephenson being one of the first working locomotives used on the line. Telegraphy also developed into a practical technology in the 19th century to help run the railways safely and improve communications.


The beginning of the 20-th century was known to be the century of the great Albert Einstein , which stated the famous E=mc2, and thus bringing new ideas and helping develop the use of nuclear power for mankind. Other scientific breakthroughs appeared in medicine with the discovery of X-rays. Also the auto industry developed due to the improvement of the Otto engine (the normal petrol powered engine) and of course the invention of the Diesel engine by Rudolf Diesel and so the extinction of the steam age began. The Diesel engine soon found to be useful powering train locomotives, ships, trucks, cars and heavy machinery used for digging and mining. The railroad industry also applied electrical current to use giving birth to the subway and the TGV (train à grande vitesse) making travelling easily and quicker for people. The subway was of great help in all expanding cities like Berlin, Paris, London, New York and other, helping people move around in the ever increasing urban traffic.

Due to the scientific gains directly bonded to military research and development technologies including electronic computing, couldn’t have developed as rapidly as they did because of the war. Radio , radar , and early sound recording were key technologies which paved the way for the telephone , fax machine, and magnetic storage of data.

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