Computers - Boon to Human Life

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Some people say that the invention of computers is one of the greatest humankind's inventions. However, other people think that computers make their life more stressful. I agree with those people who think that computers brought many benefits and play a very important role in our modern life.

First of all, every company nowadays uses a computer to store its data and make different kinds of operations. It is very difficult to imagine life without computers. A company would have to store millions of papers and documents. Moreover, a customer would have to wait hours to check his balance or get a piece of information about his transactions at his bank, while an employee was looking through those papers. Another important aspect of this is that people are able to type all their information, make corrections, print or send documents using computers. It makes life much easier. One can spend the rest of the time watching TV with his family or working on something new.

We use computers every day sometimes even not knowing it. When we go to a store and use our credit cards many computers process our information and perform transactions. When we need to get some cash we use money access machines that are computerized. Computers have been around for many years and it has become difficult to imagine life without them. They are present almost everywhere we go - at the supermarket, at the bank, at home, in the car. Computers are more efficient than we humans are, at least when it comes to calculations and related topics - as the name computer implies (to compute - to calculate). The question is, however - could we do without computers? Are computers really necessary, or do we just use them because they are here, out of habit so to speak and in reality, they are more a curse than a blessing?

One really big factor which makes computers irreplacable for many people is: you have access to the internet. In the internet, you can find almost anything you want, be it information, pictures or videos. Sure, in the "real life", as internet-users call it, you can lend books from the nearest library and get your information from there. However, this information might not be valid anymore, or you want just one small bit of information. You just could not search for it in a 200-pages book (it would take too long), whereas you can search for it in the whole internet with the help of a search engine - taking you less than a second.

You do not have to watch the news on TV thanks to the Internet. You can watch the news on your computer whenever you want, and with your laptop and an open hot spot (a place where you can access the internet through w-lan) even wherever you want! This is a clear advantage for people working very late or very early - they can get the information they want, be up-to-date and are not dependent on newspapers or the television.

Some people say that computers have made life easier and more convenient. Other people say that computers have made life more complex and stressful. In the 1980s, computers began to take up new roles in various forms. A simple computer could be a cash machine in a supermarket, which does not look like a traditional one. In the past two decades, the price of components used for computers steadily fell due to higher technological advancement, reduced cost of manufacturing, stiffer competition, entrance of more manufacturers, new usage that simplified many processes, greater market demand and inevitability to higher productivity. And the trend of the usage of computer is changing rapidly, from governmental to civilian. Till now, the beginning of the 21st century, computers are becoming more powerful and functional and much closer to our daily life. The aim of this report is to find out the relationship between people's life and computer and the role of computer in the modern century, as well as determining the Computer's popularity, functions and the our groups opinions .

Second of all, computers provided a great means of communication - the Internet. I think it is the easiest and cheapest way to get in touch with relatives, friends, business colleagues, etc. Nowadays the world becomes smaller and smaller. When I was a little boy, I could not imagine that it would be possible to communicate with people from all around the world in so easy way. A person can get latest news, become friends with someone from another country, find his old friends, ask for a piece of advice, etc.

One of the least important aspects of computers is that it provides entertainment and yet this is the sole reason why many people buy computers. The gaming and entertainment industry has become extremely large in the world, the products they sell range from shareware games to adult blood and gore. For instance, the 3D-shooter series, Quake, has sold millions of copies and essentially everyone in the world has seen it or played it. The entertainment industry not only provides gaming amusement but it also contributes learning programs, for children and adults, to help individuals excel in a certain trouble areas. Furthermore, computers also are also capable of training military personal in a virtual reality environment. An example of this is the U.S. and Canadian military, they both train soldiers and pilots in the ways of war using high tech computers and virtual reality equipment.

The development of widespread computer technology has changed many of our daily practices. Borgmann describes the evolution of writing equipment. The fountain pen encouraged us to write to someone to whom the quality of our handwriting mattered, carefully composing our thoughts on serious personal matters. The typewriter was better suited for the rapid recording of business matters or factual reports. Now, a word processor encourages us to constantly revise, so a work becomes a series of drafts, none of which is final. And when the computer is connected to the internet the drafts can be circulated to many people for input, so that authorship becomes diffuse. So devices are not neutral, they affect the possibilities available to us.

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