Women în Business

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Publicat de: Matilda Ene
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Are the women powerful because they are well paid or they earn so much for being powerful? This is a question that passes through many people mind.

Psychologists affirm that, in any country exists main difference between men and women in the way they are reach to success.

For example, the woman say that they were helped or that existed favorable extern facts, and if they not succeeded take the risk.

But the man attribute the success to themselves and if it is a failure is other’s fault. Native, men isn’t modest, he dreams at glory at social satisfactions, while the women feels a little uneasy when her success is recognized in public.

A time of plenty, her frustrations appear because she doesn’t succeed to put in a balance the professional career with family.

The top qualities for a business woman are: to blend perfectly the career with family life, to have a happy family and to be pleased in her work, to be bold, a higher level of culture and education and also to be intelligent and ambitions. On the other hand, the low qualities: the financial success, physical beauty and toughness. Therefore, general speaking, the perception that a real successful woman can succeed in various domains does exist, that put her career on the first place, but in the same time doesn’t sacrifice her vacation as mother and wife, succeeding in blending harmonious all of them. Also, must be financial independent, sure on her self, to affirm, to succeed, without taking over masculine qualities. Attributes like toughness and power are more likely on the men territory, in where a successful woman is enough skilful for not treading.

On the other hand, people think that a lot of money means, in most cases, fraud, what destroys the essential significations of authentic success . this doesn’t mean that she has to be poor – on the contrary, must have a material base, to maintain her in top – only that the money aren’t the one that define a successful woman, but the others aspects mentioned, more important.

Women have increasing chances to reach the success in domains that involves relation and communication: public relations, publicity liberal professions. Are domains special for women, where the nice physical presence – not beauty but the charm – the empathy, communications abilities matter very much. The industry, the sport and politics are less associate with a successful woman, are considered activity sectors somehow roughly, that involve a tough competition. Politics, for example, is a war zone, of hunting, where the woman isn’t seen like having necessary weapons for surviving. In the political sector, the force of decision, in the European Committee, belongs in most of cases(in majoritary) to men, these represent 71 % from the employers of this institution, against 29 % women.

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