Grile engleză

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Profesor îndrumător / Prezentat Profesorului: Mitocaru
Grile pentru sesiunea din ianuarie Februarie la engleza pe semestrul I pt FEAA

Extras din seminar

Test 1

1. to Germany at this time next week.

a) will be traveling

b) will travel

c) will have traveled

d) travel

2. I such a hard working employee before I Julius in 1998.

a) haven`t seen, have met.

b) Hadn`t seen, met

c) didn`t see, had met

d) didn`t see, have met

3. Choose the best reported speech equivalent of the sentence:

,,This is an important moment in the history of our company: sales have never been better.”

a) The manager told them that that day was an important moment in the history of their company:sales had never been better.

b) The manager told them that day was an important moment in the history of their company:sales had never been better

c) The manager told them that day is an important

moment in the history of their company:sales have never

been better.

d) The manager told them that that day was an important day in the history of their company:sales have never been better.

4. When they to our headquarters, we will decide on wether we launch our new product or not.

a) Will have come

b) Come

c) are coming

d) will be coming

5. The Board decide on how many new employees the company needs. It`s part of their responsibilities.

a) must

b) need to

c) should

d) can

6. Choose the best translation of the sentence>

Seful de department a insistat sa predea datele in seara aceea.

a) The Head of the Departament insisted that I shoud hand in the figures that night.

b) The Head of the Departament insisted that I must hand in the figures that night.

c) The Head of the Departament insisted that I shoud have handed in the figures that night.

d) The Head of the Departament insisted that I must have handed in the figures that night.

7. Choose the best reported speech equivalent of the sentence:

“I may as well come to the office right now.”

a) She said she may as well come to the office then.

b) She said she might as well come to the office then

c) She said she might as well have come to the office then

d) She said she may as well have come to the office then

8. Choose the best equivalent of the sentence:

May I send you the fax later?

a) Can I send you the fax later?

b) Could I send you the fax later?

c) Am I allowed to send you the fax later?

d) Am I permitted to send you the fax later?

9. Choose the best translation for the sentence:

I-am spus ca ar trebui sa discute aceasta problema cu asociatul sau in conditiile in care nu poate lua o decizie de unul singur.

a) I told him he should have discussed this issue with his associate since he couldn`t make a decision on his own.

b) I told him he should discuss this issue with his associate since he couldn`t make a decision on his own.

c) I told him he should discuss this issue with his associate since he can`t make a decision on his own.

d) I told him he should have discussed this issue with his associate since he can`t make a decision on his own.

10. Your ideas certainly deserve to be on paper! You could even publish a book.

a) laid down

b) laid out

c) aici mai sunt 2 da nu se vad :D

11. letters all day is an activity much below her qualifications.

a) Type

b) Typing

c) Typist

12. Our project coordinator suggested to us weekly meetings is order track of the use of funds,

a) hold, should keep

b) to heve, to keep

c) having, keeping.

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