The Subject of Study of the Tourism Resources Management

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Profesor îndrumător / Prezentat Profesorului: Andrei Florin
in cadrul facultatii de turism de la Academia de Studii Economice din Romania

Extras din seminar

Theme no 1: The subject of study of the Tourism Resources Management


O Introduction to the TRM

O The position in the system of economic and geographical sciences.

O Principles, methods, and means of study.

O The categories of the TRM.

O The factors influencing the tourist phenomenon.

O Introduction to the TRM

Key Words:

• Tourism

• Tourist phenomenon

• Industry

• Tourism fund

• Tourist flow and its consequences.

Tourism can be defined as the science,art,and business of attracting and transporting visitors,accommodating them,and graciously catering to their needs and wants.

All progressive countries throughout the world are interested in tourism.Political and industrial leaders almost universally have recognized the economic advantages of tourism.However,what these countries have done to make tourism a viable,growing segment of their economy diverges widely-from virtually nothing to creating superbly organized,highly productive tourism plants.

As shown above the tourism industry is one of the most important sources of income and foreign exchange,and is growing rapidly.It is bittersweet character of contemporary travel that is both its bone and its strength.Environmentalists in developing countries are worried about moral pollution and harassed air ,and there are a balance between running profitable tourism and destroying the environment to do so.Stricter planning regulations,controls over the use of scarce resources likewater,limitations on acces to attractions such as Taj Mahal and the Pyramids,and a ban on intrusions into national parks are just some of the probable consequences.At the base of this consequences are the main factor,that is the human activity.According to the WTO definition,tourist can be any person that is outside of his current residence for a period of 24 hours up to 4 months for the following reasons : recreational, professional motivation, other motives (health).

The tourist phenomenon includes the all the motivations and activities of a leisure and health nature extended in a given place and a given moment. This way it can be pointed out three main aspects of tourism:

• the tourist resources;

• the infrastructure;

• the tourist flow (or the influx of tourists).


Increasingly travelers are a key factor in the creation of jobs and new capital spending.Nowhere is immune to their impact and no government can ignore them.the romance of travel may not be what it was in the days of safaris but it is the most important,largest industry in the world.It accounts for:

- $3.5 trillion in GNP

- Over 200 million jobs-1every 9 employees

- 11% of global capital investment

- 11% of worldwide consumer spending

- 11.7% of indirect corporate taxes

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The Subject of Study of the Tourism Resources Management - Pagina 13

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