Documente publicate de Agnos Negoiță

Agnos Negoiță

Agnos Negoiță

3 documente publicate în Biblioteca RegieLive

Managementul Calității Aplicațiilor Informatice

Software projects are the main component of developing the modern informational society. The quality management of those projects assures the context for increasing the software application complexity and the end of development and implementation processes for the most important software application. The main... citește mai departe

5 pagini 3 puncte Extras Preview

Cercetare științifică - word of mouth și impactul său asupra firmelor

Summary: In marketing, word of mouth is the free advertising made by consumers, while sharing products, services, brands or companies related experiences with other persons. It can take two forms: natural word of mouth (when consumers voluntarily and unconsciously become brand ambassadors) and amplified word of... citește mai departe

6 pagini 6 puncte Extras Preview

Implementarea unui Proiect CRM - Fundamente Teoretice

Summary: To successfully implement a customer relationship management project for an organization, the whole issue must be treated as a project. It has precise objectives, budgets, time limits, and should be led by a project manager. In order to fulfill the objectives of the project, the team responsible with the... citește mai departe

6 pagini 7 puncte Extras Preview