Documente publicate de Vasile Radu David

Vasile Radu David

Vasile Radu David

4 documente publicate în Biblioteca RegieLive

Afacerile de Comerț în Lume

Cuvinte cheie: afacere de comert, comert international, evolutie, cifra de afaceri, piata, export. Abstract: In this text I try to present the importance of international business. This work is structured on some subtitles, trying to define the conception of „international market”, the possibilities to enter in... citește mai departe

7 pagini 6 puncte Extras Preview

Copilul și Familia

Cuvinte cheie: familie, boala, copil, protectie Abstract: The family reprezents an opened sistem, to some fast and major changes. The family’s purpose is asuring the needs of it’s members. The parents have different roles inside the family; they have equal rights with the ones of their children’s. 1. Notiuni... citește mai departe

4 pagini 6 puncte Extras Preview

Cărțile de Plată

CARTILE DE PLATA – INSTRUMENTE MODERNE CE ASIGURA RAPIDITATEA SI CALITATEA TRANZACTIILOR Abstract: The article speaks about cards- modern instruments which ensure the transaction’s rapidity and quality, their appearance and evolution as well as their typology and advantages. Scurt istoric al aparitiei si... citește mai departe

11 pagini 7 puncte Extras Preview

Implicații ale standerdelor internaționale de contabilitate

IMPLICATII ALE STANDARDELOR INTERNATIONALE DE CONTABILITATE ASUPRA MODELULUI ROMÂNESC DE CONTABILITATE ADAPTATA LA INFLATIE Cuvinte cheie: armonizare, contabilitate, inflatie, Standardele Internationale de Contabilitate Abstract: In this text I try to put in evidence the reduced necessity of the adaptation at... citește mai departe

10 pagini 9 puncte Extras Preview