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Publicat de: Maria Burcea
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1. Lexicological processes.

- Means of enriching the vocabulary;

- Derivational processes.

- affixation.

- beautiful - beauty (word of french origin) + -ful (suffix) -

derivation by suffixation.

- disconnect, predictable,

- without affixation.

- Compounding - presupposes the use together of two words that make up a

new unit of meaning.

- Endocentric - are of the form AB, where the head of the compound is

usually on the right. The other word functions as an attribute to the

head. The overall meaning of the compound is the sum of the two


- speed-dating, smartphone, headache, camera-shy, dry-clean.

- trophy wife.

- Exocentric - type of compound that has a metaphorical status, the

attribute to the head rule is not valid. They are metaphorical words.

- butterfly, redhead, pickpocket, showoff, paperback, scarecrow,


- butterfingers.

- turncoat, daredevil.

- Back-formation - refers to the process of creating a new word by removing

affixes from an existing word, most often back formation involves the creation

of verbs from nouns but other processes are possible by misspelling words. A

verb was created from a noun, usually by alliteration or by any other processes

which affect the graphics of the word.

- vaccination to vaccinate, cohabitation to cohabitate.

- Borrowings.

- Adapting the spelling and pronunciation to the rules of the target


- box (from latin buxus)

- Exporting the spelling and the pronunciation from the source


- coup d 'etat, avant-grand, pizza, burrito.

- Blending - The bringing together of two words and mixing them up in one

new word, with a new meaning the result of the two words that make up the


- smog smoke + fog.

- motel - motelry + hotel.

- workaholic - work + alcoholic.

- brunch - breakfast + lunch.

- guestimate - guess + estimate.

- Means of enriching the vocabulary;

- Derivational processes.

- affixation.

- without affixation.

- Compounding.

- Endocentric.

- Exocentric.

- Backformation.

- Borrowings.

- Adapting.

- Exporting.

- Blending .

2. Denotational and Connotational meaning.

a. Lexical meaning.

- Denotational meaning is thus that component of lexical meaning which

makes communication possible.

- Connotation meaning - the emotive and stylistic component or charge of a


- Emotive charge - words contain an element of emotive evaluation as

part of the connotation meaning.

- Related to concepts of dimension, feelings, relations.

- Contextualized.

- Hovel.

- Stylistic Reference - words can be roughly divided into:

- Standard colloquial words.

- Common colloquial words - dud, chum.

- Slang - words which are often regarded as

violation of norms - dotty.

- Professionalisms - words used by a group of

people, bound by the same occupation - lab.

- Jargonism - words marked by the views of

particular social groups, often with cryptic

character - words and phrases used by particular

groups of people, esp. in their work, that are not

generally understood - squiffer.

- Vulgarism - curse words, rude - bloody hell.

- Dialectal words - lass, from lad.

- Coinages - Completely new words which we

come up with under the influence of something

which is fashionable or trendy - newspaperdon.

- Literary/bookish words - not statistically homogeneous,

besides general literary words. General concepts, no

special stylistic wrappers - neutral words.

- Terms or scientific words - genocide,


- Poetic words - archaisms: aught (anything), ere

(before), albeit (although) , nay (no).

- Barbarism and foreign words - (coup d’état,

putsch, bon mot - clever saying/whity remark,

chapeau bas!)

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