Sicomed - History and Development

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Domeniu: Management
Conține 1 fișier: doc
Pagini : 18 în total
Cuvinte : 3033
Mărime: 104.47KB (arhivat)
Publicat de: Nae Iustin Cosma
Puncte necesare: 0
Profesor îndrumător / Prezentat Profesorului: Naftanaila, Daniel Segura
Faculty of Economic Studies in Foreign Languages

Extras din proiect


In order to get where Sicomed has got one has to be very talented, very intelligent an also very patient. The company is conducted by 8 wonderful persons.

CEO- Klaas Postema

Vice President Business Development- Edward Thomas Kania

Vice President Operations- Alexander Karakantas

Chief Financial Officer- Arend Gerrit Britstra

Commercial Development Director- Mirel Nicola

Financial Director- Irina Rosu

Human resources Director- Ioana Marculescu

National Sales Director- Radu Apostol


They all together helped Sicomed develop and become one one of the leaders of the pharmaceutical market in Romania. Their main goal is to improve the quality of life and is representing the core concept underlying the progress of modern society.

This year at the Civil Society Gala ( an event aimed at recognizing the most important corporate social responsibility projects ), Mr. Glaas Postema , the CEO of Sicomed, received two trophies, one for the best healthcare project and the other for the best initiative targeting disadvantaged categories. He declared the following : “I believe that when you operate in the pharmaceutical industry you can best understand the meaning of social responsibility. When you are responsible for the health of the community, social involvement becomes a daily task. Being with the people with whom we share the same goal – increasing the quality of Romanians’ life – is for Sicomed a new opportunity to confirm its commitment to society”.

Here, at Sicomed, people have come to the understanding that it is only by providing quality products and services that we can be competitive in a highly competitive environment like the pharmaceutical industry.

The maintenance of the Quality standard is the company’s major objectives and long-term commitments. The top management supports the implementation and maintenance of the selected quality systems that are already in place, which will enable them to permanently improve processes and streamline the quality management system.


The production process is structured in two main divisions:

1.Dry conditioning, which is specialized in the production of tablets 2.Wet conditioning, which is specialized in the production of vials, GMP certified beginning with 2003.

The product portfolio includes 120 products for human usage presented in 300 pharmaceutical forms, covering the main forms of tablets and vials presentations and also covering almost all the therapeutically sections.

Taking into consideration the company’s strategy of extending its sales through export, besides the 56 products already licensed in 12 countries, there are 20 more products in the process of licensing in 15 countries.


Sicomed is producing a wide range of pharmaceutical products divided into two main categories: therapeutically products and nutritional supplements.

Therapeutically products are conceived to come in the help of the human organism. They are made for the alimentary tract and metabolism, for the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, nervous system, muscular-skeletal system, for the blood and blood forming organs, for the genito-urinary system and for the hormonal system. There are also various products anti-infective for systemic use and also anti-inflammatory and anti-rheumatic products.

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