Time Management

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Domeniu: Marketing
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Pagini : 6 în total
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Publicat de: Antonia I.
Puncte necesare: 5

Extras din proiect

1. Introduction

We always have the feeling that time is slipping through our fingers. Of course, we all have only 24 hours, but the question is: "How do some students manage to complete all the proposed activities, but I do not?" The answer to this question is in our project "It’s high time!".

Time management refers to the way you organize yourself and plan your time for each activity. It may seem bizarre to devote precious time to learning about time management instead of using it to get on with your work, but the benefits are enormous:

- Greater productivity and efficiency

- A better professional reputation

- A lower level of stress

- Increased opportunities for advancement

- Greater opportunities to achieve important goals in life and in the student career.

The aim of our project is to optimize the time of economics students, so that they can complete all their daily tasks in the most efficient way. Student productivity would be increased, which would result in better performance both academically and personally. The project also intends to stimulate students to participate in as many activities as possible outside the educational environment, giving them the confidence and knowledge necessary to manage their time.

The main stages of designing the It’s high time event are:

1. Defining the audience

2. Defining the event objectives

3. Establishing the event format

4. Finding the right tools and partners

5. Finding the date and time

6. Promoting the event

7. The event itself

8. Keeping participants and guests engaged post-event

9. Measuring the results

2. Presentation of the event

Economics students are in need of intelligent planning of study time and free time. They need to find a balance between academic or extracurricular activities and recreational activities, as the latter contribute to maintaining the individual's mental health and good mood. Our event will be focused on online workshops and speeches held by reputed speakers on the theme of time management.

The event will be held on the app Zoom, the room can be accessed at the link https://zoom.us/j/4545048697?pwd=bXRQQnJEWTRyNGpLVTBHTnJmVHJkUT09

The event will take place between 13-15 December 2021 from 11 AM to 3PM.

Our event’s target audience is economics students from Bucharest (ASE, SNSPA, UniBuc) aged 18-25 and with a busy schedule. They can be employed part-time, involved in student associations, business owners, students who want to excel academically, etc. This target audience may be interested in better managing their time in order to have better results in any type of activity in which they are involved. As the event will be held online, a greater number of participants can join and after researching the number of students that fit into our target audience, we expect 300-400 participants to join directy. As for the indirect audience, we expect our promotional materials to reach an audience of over 1000 people organically.

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