World of Sony

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Mărime: 1.32MB (arhivat)
Publicat de: Denis Gherman
Puncte necesare: 6
Profesor îndrumător / Prezentat Profesorului: Adrian Solomon
ASE, Marketing anul 2, prezentare in power point

Extras din proiect

There’s more to see when you are away from the viewfinder!

Capture life without being glued to a viewfinder using a tiltable Live View LCD that gives a real-time view of what you’re shooting.

Make the most of your memories

- It knows when you’re smiling. Capture smiles as they happen with Smile Shutter mode.

- Put the face first.

Find and enhance faces with Face Detection technology.

- Move away from the viewfinder.

Get a real-time view of what you’re shooting with the live View LCD

Smile Shutter Technology

Just select Smile Shutter mode and press the shutter button. Your Cyber-shot camera detects a smile and automatically snaps a picture.

Captures up to 6 stots while in Smile Shutter mode.

Differentiates between children and adults so your kids can be the focal point.

Conținut arhivă zip

  • World of Sony.ppt

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