Business Management Project - SC Veland Com SRL

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Domeniu: Management
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Publicat de: Dorian Petrache
Puncte necesare: 7

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Abstract: 3000 years ago, BC, the Egyptians discovered the fermentation and used it to prepare bread. Besides the daily diet, it was used as offerings for the dead and currency. Thus, field workers were rewarded with three loaves a day and a clerk with 100 buckets (dry biscuits) and 3 loaves. Egyptians used 15 varieties of bread, various forms: disk, conic, spiral, which were prepared from wheat with added yeast, honey and other spices.

The Jews had their first contact with Egypt bread in time, especially since they do not eat bread. They ate meat of sheep, being nomads. For them, raised bread has become a daily food and bread undersized, offering divine.

For the ancient Greeks, buckets of barley fermented, baked on a hot stone was the most used bread. Holidays, eat wheat bread that has been mixed and olive oil. In the second century BC Greece, were made 72 varieties of bread and cakes, such as bread, barley or rye bread for the poor, various spices and olive preparations, which have revolutionized the art bakery. Its importance was so great that the cult of the goddess Demeter - goddess of bread and harvest - become the official religion of Greece.

Keywords: bakery, business, efficient, kindergarten, manager.

I. Business description

In the last years, competition in the industry of bakery products has sharply increased. Due to the very short manufacturing cycle of these products and the relatively stable demand, entrepreneurs preferred to invest in this field.

Also, people are increasingly willing to pay for a quality education service, in which the children can be seen in their evolution, be tested and treated individually. These are the prerequisites from the social sector which create the economic assumptions for the development of the private kindergartens.

i. Shareholder’s structure

SC VELAND COM SRL is an enterprise which was founded in 2001, having as sole shareholder Gabriela Criveanu. It accessed Phare funds through the program called “Economic and social cohesion for Microenterprises”, succeeding in obtaining this funds, and this way setting up the bakery and in 2009, the enterprise decided the diversification of the activity by founding through its own funds another economic branch, a private kindergarten with normal program, called “Madona Dudu “.

ii. Current business

The enterprise “SC VELAND COM SRL” has two different economic branches: a bakery and a private kindergarten.

The objective of the bakery is to fully satisfy customer requirements, since bread is a living good, while the main concern is to provide healthy foods in this respect, made after traditional recipes, while the kindergarten aims to develop a private education, well-formed, adaptable to any parents’ preferences.

iii. Services/Products

- The Bakery

Although there are lots of bakeries with similar prices and products, this company responds to competition by continuously improving product quality and services of delivery while providing the guarantee of healthy foods without additives at accessible prices and also retains existing customers by offering discounts and special prices.

After buying the equipment and organizing the bakery, the production process started in 2003 and it offers a large variety of bakery products, like:

- White Bread

- Black Bread

- Pita bread

- Stick bread

- Braided bread

- Round bread.

- The Kindergarten “Madona Dudu”

The basic services offered through the kindergarten will be:

- offer high education for children through creative play

- assure an educational, motivating and safe environment for children

- help children develop a sense of responsibility, generosity and self-confidence

- encourage children to learn about different cultures through specific dances, celebrating international days and finding traditions from around the world

- keep close contact with parents to create the best environment and best collaboration for their children.

- being permanently careful with the conditions offered as, being children, parents are primarily concerned about hygiene and quality of food served.

iv. History of the company

- 2001 - The enterprise “SC VELAND COM SRL” was founded under the law no. 131/1990 and was registered at the Trade Register under no. J16/520/2001, with the fiscal code RO 14079714. It accessed Phare funds through the program called “Economic and social cohesion for Microenterprises”, succeeding in obtaining this funds, and this way setting up the bakery.

- 2003 – The production process started after buying the equipment and finding the right place to rent for the bakery.

- 2006 - As time passed, through own funds, the capacity of production increased, as new machinery were bought, leading to a more efficient way of producing the same or a larger quantity of goods, but in less time.

- 2009 – As a result of the increased efficiency, the enterprise decided the diversification of the activity by founding through its own funds another economic branch, a private kindergarten with normal program, called “Madona Dudu “.


The book “Business Management” by Constantin Bratianu, Published by University Press.

Gabriela Criveanu, general manager of SC VELAND COM SRL

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