Motivation and its Role în Enterprise Management în the Process of Internationalization

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Domeniu: Management
Conține 1 fișier: doc
Pagini : 20 în total
Cuvinte : 6509
Mărime: 43.78KB (arhivat)
Puncte necesare: 7
Profesor îndrumător / Prezentat Profesorului: Aliona Jingan


  1. Introduction. 2
  2. Chapter I: Theoretical concept and trends referring to motivation. 3
  3. 1.1. Definition and functions of motivation. 4
  4. 1.2. Motivation theories. 5
  5. 1.3. Types of motivation. 6
  6. Conclusion chapter I . 8
  7. Chapter II: The role of motivation in enterprise management in the process of internationalization . 9
  8. 2.1 Motivation in business of the company . 11
  9. 2.2 Strategies of motivation
  10. Strategies used on international level . 12
  11. 2.3 Motivation in Republic of Moldova
  12. How it is implemented motivation in our country . 15
  13. Conclusion chapter II . 17
  14. Conclusion . 18
  15. Bibliography . 19

Extras din proiect


The project, entitled “Motivation and its role in enterprise management in the process of Internationalization "aims to analyze the human resources motivation in the company. In particular to study the process of motivation of employees, how they are motivated, finding some problems occurred, such as employee grievances, and proposes ways of improving motivation.

Choosing this theme derives from the fact that currently, human resources management became a field that is given great importance in any organization, whatever the activity in which they operate. The success of the organization depends on how employees are motivated and grow professionally, all processes within the work result of its people and satisfaction of the company. Among all human resources processes that can be developed within organizations, the process of motivation is central because, in one way or another, all others are derived from good works. Today, development of any organization depends largely on the how the employees develop, without a proper motivation to succeed chances not having their company in the task set.

Another cause of selection this theme is that motivation is poorly developed in Moldova, yet in great need of improvement. From here and the main objective of the project, finding successful international practice and propose strategies that could be implemented in Moldova.

The I chapter presents some theoretical aspects of motivation. Motivation is defined as the concept of motivation. Subchapter 1.1 presents the definition and functions of motivation. Subchapter 1.2 provides a better understanding of motivation through motivation theories. In the next chapter, 1.3 is discussed types of motivation that must be implemented by the managers of the company in dependence of objectives that must be gained.

The II chapter analyzes the role of motivation in enterprise management in the process of internationalization and in 2.1 the motivation in business of the company. What importance has motivation in the performances obtained by the company after implementation of proper strategies? Subchapter 2.2 is dedicated to strategies of motivation used on international level and 2.3 analyze motivation in Republic of Moldova and possibility of new strategies implementation. Also, how motivation it is implemented in our country.


"Devote yourself fully to your work and do not accept them reap the benefits, because the real work is born when you enjoy what you do". Bhagavad Gira

Organizations these times are characterized by changes irreversible, often conflicting priorities, and pressures for the results. No field of activity is left immune response. Modern manager must reduce costs; to be permanent informed about technological advances and the rapid dynamics to understand market changes and customer demand.

The success or failure of an organization are intrinsically linked to how where its employees work. Therefore, the word designating the applicable solution in this new context is involved. Managers need to motivate employees, their commitment encouraging them creativity, must exploit the experience, energy and skills of various groups of employees and firsthand to form teams for solve problems, identify opportunities and to make sense of huge volume of information available today. The concept of motivation to work has changed over time, with the development of different approaches to management and organizations. A short trip, however incomplete, helps to understand the vision of motivation at work.

• The concept of rational economic motivation. Its main representative, F. Taylor, believes that employees will work more if they get high salaries and their performance would be limited by fatigue.

• Social concept of motivation. Researchers in human-relations approach, the Hawthorne studies have shown that people working to meet a wider range of needs, social needs are important and recognition.

• The concept of self-actualization motivation, focused on the content and significance of tasks, stressing the importance of factors intrinsic motivators.

• Complexity of the person concept is based on managers to adapt to specific situations and different needs of employees.

To work and be viable in a competitive world, organizations must motivate people to do the following things:

- To join the organization and remain in it.

- To carry out the tasks for which they were employed.

- Adopt creative behavior, spontaneous and innovative.

If all organizations in a field similar technologies, have an advantage organization that best met the problem of motivation. If employees at all levels are motivated to remain in the organization, to do their work at the highest level of efficiency possible and try to make things better, the organization that is effective in greater than the performance are sub-standard and no one tries to innovate and to find ways to increase the level of performance.

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Motivation and its Role în Enterprise Management în the Process of Internationalization - Pagina 1
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Motivation and its Role în Enterprise Management în the Process of Internationalization - Pagina 3
Motivation and its Role în Enterprise Management în the Process of Internationalization - Pagina 4
Motivation and its Role în Enterprise Management în the Process of Internationalization - Pagina 5
Motivation and its Role în Enterprise Management în the Process of Internationalization - Pagina 6
Motivation and its Role în Enterprise Management în the Process of Internationalization - Pagina 7
Motivation and its Role în Enterprise Management în the Process of Internationalization - Pagina 8
Motivation and its Role în Enterprise Management în the Process of Internationalization - Pagina 9
Motivation and its Role în Enterprise Management în the Process of Internationalization - Pagina 10
Motivation and its Role în Enterprise Management în the Process of Internationalization - Pagina 11
Motivation and its Role în Enterprise Management în the Process of Internationalization - Pagina 12
Motivation and its Role în Enterprise Management în the Process of Internationalization - Pagina 13
Motivation and its Role în Enterprise Management în the Process of Internationalization - Pagina 14
Motivation and its Role în Enterprise Management în the Process of Internationalization - Pagina 15
Motivation and its Role în Enterprise Management în the Process of Internationalization - Pagina 16
Motivation and its Role în Enterprise Management în the Process of Internationalization - Pagina 17
Motivation and its Role în Enterprise Management în the Process of Internationalization - Pagina 18
Motivation and its Role în Enterprise Management în the Process of Internationalization - Pagina 19
Motivation and its Role în Enterprise Management în the Process of Internationalization - Pagina 20

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