Plan de lecție engleză - We are from England

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Domeniu: Pedagogie
Conține 1 fișier: docx
Pagini : 3 în total
Cuvinte : 484
Mărime: 14.94KB (arhivat)
Publicat de: Ioanina Oros
Puncte necesare: 0
Profesor îndrumător / Prezentat Profesorului: D. Mihaela

Extras din proiect

DATE: 21st, November 2017





COURSEBOOK: Comunicare in limba engleza, editura Aramis


LESSON: We are from England

TYPE OF LESSON: language acquisition and vocabulary practice, reading,speaking,listening

MATERIALS/RESOURCES: projector, textbook, worksheets

COMPETENCES: 1.2, 1.3,2.1,2.2,2.3,4.1

AIMS: 1. To create interest to the topic

2. To practise newly introduced vocabulary structures

3. To develop their communicative skills by sharing ideas on the topic

Stages of lesson Timing Interaction Competences Teacher does Students do Observations

Warm up 3 min T-Ss 1.2 The teacher shows some flags from different countries, then asks a student “this is the flag of which country?”(Romania), then T shows other flags from different countries and asks other students to answer. T says today’s lesson it is about countries and nationalities.Books closed, the Ss listen and repeat, chorally and individually pointing to the flags. The T writes several words (England/Italy/Germany) on the board. Students come up with words related to the topic

Lead in

(Introducing new vocabulary) 5 min T-Ss 1.3 Teacher shows a short presentation related with the lesson(countries and nationalities) and asks Ss to repeat,then writes the title on the board Students watch the presentation and repeat after the teacher, then they have to write in their notebooks the words related to countries/nationalities The presentation contains some countries and nationalities

While-reading activity 5 min T-S

S-S 2.1 - Teacher invites students to open their books on page 30 and asks students to read and act out the story

- The T also elicits answers and explanations for the (possibly) new vocabulary.

- Students read the tasks and act out

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