- Introduction page3
- Coals, mission, plans and budget page 3
- Dimensions of Planning in a Organization page7
- Planning Levels and analyzing the external environment and internal organization analysis page8
- Classification of strategies page11
- Technical support strategy formulation page13
- Bibliography page15
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,,Planning and strategy”, this two words and actions that we are applying in everyday life, sometimes without even realizing it, are more significantly than we can imagine. We are creatures of habits so it’s basically impossible to get through a day without a plan and a strategy to accomplish that. Let’s suppose we set some goals and now we need to trace a basic plan for how it will be achieved. How could this be done? Obviously, there are many ways to plan the action steps. But as a generalization, it seems smart to opt for a plan that will consume less time and resources. Essentially seek the shortest path from your current position to your goal. It's okay if the expectations are not very accurate, but consider short path as the smartest choice especially in business.
Aldo these two terms, plan and strategy, are often used interchangeably are far from the same each one is a completely different concept.
The Plan: A plan is usually an agenda of steps taken to attain a goal. A plan challenges questions like how, when, where, who, and what? A plan is a good thing to have. In fact, it is vital to the success of almost any effort. However, coming up with a plan should not be the first step in addressing a task.
The Strategy: A strategy is larger than a plan. Strategy tackles the question of why? It has a wide scope and looks at the result as well as the multiple paths to the desired outcome. A strategy looks at every possible influencing factor, both seen and unforeseen and comes to terms with the whole situation, not just one final aim. Earlier we defined planning as “an agenda of steps taken to attain a goal”. Now we should better understand this concept.
II.Goals, mission, plans and budget
Every organization exists to accomplish something, a goal that is clear when it is in its early stages. As time passes and the organization grow, new industries, new departments, which may affect the mission, that the reason for which it was created.
- initially fixed purpose is no longer relevant;
- The goal remains relevant, but management has lost interest in him;
- Changes in the environment led the initial mission do not meet the present.
If you see either of these forms, then the mission should be reviewed and reformulated necessarily. The mission is a long term vision of what the organization wants to do to become unique among other organizations. In the mission statement of the organization there are three key elements that management must consider:
- organization history, past events, to be considered, customer knowledge, philosophy, business domain:
- distinct competence, i.e. what the organization is doing well, so well that gives it an edge over other similar organizations;
- environment, which dictates the opportunities, constraints and threats that must be identified before defining the mission.
The mission statement is concise, clear and to refer to products and / or services offered by the organization, markets and customers it serves. Depending on the organization that may be expressed or formulae may contain a smaller number of words.
With over two decades ago, P. Druker highlight suggestive: "A business is not called by name, status or components incorporated. It is defined by the need to satisfy a customer and you buy a good or service. Customer satisfaction is the mission and purpose of any company. What the customer sees, thinks, believes and desires at any given time, management must accept as an objective fact.
The mission should guide the organization towards performance, but must be realistic and achievable. During the mission to verify and to review the organization to ensure, to integrate well into the environment. For example, it may propose a strong company (mission) to become a company with business diversification that besides sell its current products and along the new existing markets and new markets; a company from student campus that produces and sells dairy products aims to provide a high volume of products affordable to students. Or, another enterprise that operates a chain of restaurants might aim to prepare sis to serve good food in the shortest time and at reasonable prices.
The organization's mission statement may refer to:
- organization targets: what are the markets that are consumer organization. For example, Motorola purpose is to honorably serve the community by delivering quality products and services at a fair price to consummate;
- major products and services offered which be an end of mission, not because of it. For example, we offer our clients usual bank operations, real estate and finance, canned bank for corporations of any kind;
1.Bradford and Duncan (2000). Simplified Strategic Planning. Chandler House.
2.Burduș Eugen, Căprarescu Gheorghiță(1999) ; Fundamentele Managementului organizațional, Editura Economică, București.
3.Drucker, Peter (1954). The Practice of Management. Harper & Row.
4.John Argenti (1968). Corporate Planning - A Practical Guide. Allen & Unwin
5.Max Mckeown (2012), The Strategy Book, FT Prentice Hall.
6.Mintzberg, Henry; Quinn, James B. (1996). The Strategy Process:Concepts, Contexts, Cases. Prentice Hall.
7.Niculescu Ovidiu, Verboncu Ion (2004) - Management, Editura Economica, Bucuresti.
8.Philip Kotler (1986), "Megamarketing" In: Harvard Business Review.
9.Rumelt, Richard P. (2011). Good Strategy / Bad Strategy. Crown Business.
10.Stephen G. Haines (2004). ABCs of strategic management : an executive briefing and plan-to-plan day on strategic management in the 21st century
11.T. Kono (1994) "Changing a Company's Strategy and Culture", Long Range Planning, 27, 5 (October 1994).
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