Documente publicate de Andrei Tudor

Andrei Tudor

Andrei Tudor

2 documente publicate în Biblioteca RegieLive

Cercetari de marketing

Tema proiectului o reprezinta identificarea principalelor asteptari pe care le au elevii in ceea ce priveste alegerea unei facultati. Problema decizionala consta in obtinerea de informatii cu privire la inscrierea acestora la facultate. Scopul cercetarii selective il constituie studiul masurarii dorintei de a urma... citește mai departe

31 pagini 7 puncte Extras Preview

Discovering your skills - Strategic career management and employees development

Knowing what skills you have to offer can help you identify specific industries or organizations where your strengths might be a good match for the employer’s needs. How you feel when using these skills is also important. If you enjoy work that requires certain skills, then look for opportunities to use them, even... citește mai departe

4 pagini Gratis Extras Preview