Job Center Plus

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Mărime: 752.64KB (arhivat)
Publicat de: Janeta Zaharia
Puncte necesare: 5

Extras din referat

Who we are?

„Jobcentre” will be a nongovernmental agency supporting people of working age from welfare into work, and helping employers to fill their vacancies.

Our aims

Our key objectives are to:

Increase the effective supply of labour by promoting work as the best form of welfare and helping unemployed and economically inactive people move into employment.

Pay customers the correct benefit at the right time and protect the benefit system from fraud, error and abuse.

Provide high-quality and demand-led services to employers, which help fill job vacancies quickly and effectively with well-prepared and motivated employees.

Help people facing the greatest barriers to employment to compete effectively in the labour market and move into and remain in work.

Improve continuously the quality, accessibility and delivery of services to all customers.

Work towards parity of outcomes for ethnic minority customers.


The company will be located in the city center because will be easy to rich for everyone. At the begining the office will be lease.

Conținut arhivă zip

  • Job Center Plus.ppt

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