Târgu Mureș

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The city was first documented in 1332 in the papal registry under the name Novum Forum Siculorum.

In 1405, the King of Hungary Sigismund of Luxembourg granted the city of Tîrgu Mureş (by then named Székelyvásárhely, see Székely) the right to organize fairs; in 1482 King Matthias Corvinus declared the city a royal settlement. It became a municipality in 1616, changing its name to Marosvásárhely, the Romanian equivalent of which is Târgu Mureş (târg and vásár mean "Market" in Romanian and Hungarian respectively). The city received a major boost to its social and economic life when it became home to supreme court of justice of the Principality of Transylvania in 1754.

Avram Iancu, the leader of the 1848 Romanian revolution in Transylvania, was a young lawyer in the city of Tîrgu Mureş before engaging in the fight for the rights of Romanians living in Transylvania.

In 1880 the statue of Bem was inaugurated in Roses Square, at the city's center; in 1893 the statue of Kossuth was as well. The statue of Rákóczi was also inaugurated in 1907. All three were demolished after World War I, in 1923.

The provincial appearance of the city changed greatly in the late 19th century and early 20th century. In 1913, the Transylvanian Secession-style city hall complex was opened, as part of mayor Bernády György's urban renewal. Economic success continued until World War II. After the conflict, together with the rest of Transylvania, Târgu Mureş became part of Romania and was re-named Oşorheiu. From having been an 89% Hungarian-populated city (1910), Romanian population increased throughout the latter half of the 20th century.

From 1940 to 1944, as a consequence of the Second Vienna Award, Târgu Mureş was ceded to Hungary. During this period, a Jewish ghetto was established in the city. It re-entered the Romanian administration at the end of the war in October 1944.

After World War II, the communist administration of Romania conducted a policy of massive industrialization that completely re-shaped the community, and set up a Hungarian Autonomous Province based in the city, which lasted 15 years. Târgu Mureş became the center of economic and social life of the region.

In March 1990, shortly after the Romanian Revolution of 1989 overthrew the communist regime, Târgu Mureş was the stage of violent confrontations between ethnic Hungarians and Romanians (See Ethnic clashes of Târgu Mureş).

As of 2000, a considerable percentage of the population of Târgu Mureş has started to work abroad temporarily. The local economy has started to get stronger after various investors settled in the area.

Târgu Mureş has a substantial ethnic Hungarian minority, some of whom identify as Székelys. Since 2003 some Székely organizations have been campaigning for the city to again become center of an autonomous region. Dorin Florea is the first directly elected ethnic Romanian mayor of the city, though the city council retains a majority of ethnic Hungarians.


Targu Mures is located at the intersection of three geographical areas Plain Transylvania Valley Nirajului Mureş Valley, at an altitude of approximately 320 m above sea level. Built originally on the lower terrace on the left Mureş River, the city has developed over the years and occupying povârnişurile and nearby hills. Currently the city stretching a side of the river course and Mureş Cornesti hill and hill Nirajului.

The total area of the city is 66.96 km ² and has a network of 203.1 kilometers auto transport, 175 km roads, 236 km public sewer network, 225 km water supply network and 197 km of natural gas network. Fund is 4930 meters to 2690 meters from the site, and 2240 hectares in extravilandin. The total area of green spaces is 223.4 meters.

The total of 57,070 housing is divided into the following areas: Tudor Vladimirescu, 1848 (or Dâmbul Pietros) Carpathian Alley, Budai, Central District, Cornişa, South Railway Station, Liberty, Livezeni, Mureşeni, Substejăriş, Valea Rece.


Mureş County is located in the continental climate moderated by hills and forests and climate in the mountain. Until the mid-'90, the county had climate following specific: May warm summers and cold winters and long, especially in mountain areas in north-eastern district. In the western part of the county climate is arid shades May, the summers are generally more drought and warmer.

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