Etapele Deschiderii unei Firme

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Publicat de: Valentin Pascu
Puncte necesare: 6

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Before founding a firm one must know the legislation very well. We will present the most important laws, which refer to constitution, registration and functioning of a company.

The main laws referring to the founding of a firm:

1. Law No. 31/1990 concerning the Registry of Commerce with previous modifications;

2. Law No. 76/2001 concerning the simplifying of some administrative formalities for registration and authorization of the merchant functioning;

3. Law No. 26/1990 concerning The Registry of Commerce with the previous modifications;

4. Methodological norm No. 608/1998 concerning the keeping manner of the commerce registries and the registries effectuation;

5. Law No. 133/1999 concerning the private enterprising stimulation for founding and developing small and medium enterprises with previous modifications;

For choosing the main object for the firm activity, but also secondary objects, you have to consult the CAEN (The Activities classifications from national economy) Law.

Types of commercial societies

1. Collective society

2. Simple, limited partnership society

3. Stock based society

4. Stock based, limited partnership society

5. Limited response society

1. Collective society

The collective society is the form of commercial society in which social obligations are guaranteed with social patrimony and with unlimited and united response of all associates.

2. Simple, limited partnership society

The simple, limited partnership society is the form of commercial society in which social obligations are guaranteed with social patrimony and with unlimited and united response of all associates. The associates respond within the limit of their contribution.

3. Stock based society

The stock based society is the form of commercial society of which social capital is divided in stocks and social obligations are guaranteed with social patrimony. The stockholders respond within the limit of their contribution.

4. Stock based, limited partnership society

The stock based, limited partnership society is the form of commercial society of which social capital is divided in stocks and social obligations are guaranteed with social patrimony and with unlimited and united response of contributing associates. These associates respond within the limit of their contribution.

5. Limited response society

The limited response society is the form of commercial society of which social obligations are guaranteed with social patrimony and associates respond within the limit of their contribution.

Of all the types of commercial societies, the most common used are the limited response societies.

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