Customer Relationship Management - Ardmore Clinic

8/10 (1 vot)
Domeniu: Marketing
Conține 1 fișier: doc
Pagini : 11 în total
Cuvinte : 3591
Mărime: 73.55KB (arhivat)
Puncte necesare: 6
Profesor îndrumător / Prezentat Profesorului: Pelau Corina


  1. 1. Introduction page 3
  2. 2. The description of Ardmore Clinic page 4
  3. 3. The conception of a customer database page 7
  4. 4. Input data page 8
  5. 5. Connection between input and output data page 9
  6. 6. Output data page 10
  7. 7. Conclusions page 11

Extras din proiect

Ardmore Clinic

We are the third most reliable hospital in the whole of Eastern Europe.

Our main focuses are on four lines of business:

- prepaid healthcare and medical services

- occupational medicine services

- laboratory services

- health insurance

Our seamless healthcare services approach is based on the best practices from the United States and Western Europe.

Companies and individuals can become Ardmore members by choosing from a variety of prepaid benefit plans, each offering a specific set of healthcare and medical services. These plans range from the most basic to the most comprehensive coverage available anywhere. We also welcome patients on a fee-for-service basis.

We believe members are best served through a coordinated system which emphasises health maintenance and disease prevention. We make sure every medical need is handled swiftly and accurately, and we arrange all necessary specialist visits, diagnostic testing and follow-up care. Our single aim is to keep you from becoming sick, but should that happen; we are here to provide you with every appropriate medical response.

Outpatient care is provided at our own state-of-the-art Ardmore health centres or through our Ardmore network partners (contracted medical professionals), which comprise both primary and specialty care.

Hospital care is coordinated by the member's primary care physician and our medical staff to ensure the optimal outcome.

We provide all the tools necessary for a healthy life - encouraging and teaching our members every step of the way. Since we are in charge of the entire chain of service delivery, we guarantee its quality at each encounter.

We have about 3000 clients ranging young to older people.

Ardmore is the only private healthcare company in Romania offering the whole range of medical services:

- health plans both for companies and individuals (White Plan, Blue Plan, Silver Plan, Gold Plan)

- occupational medicine plans (Green Plan, Network Standard, Network Standard Plus)

- health plan for children (KIDCARD)

- dental services on membership bases (offered in partnership with Dental Plan, available just with Ardmore health plans)

- wellness plan (in partnership with Mambo Fitness Club and National Fitness Centre)

- consultations

- medical procedures and tests

- laboratory tests


It is better to prevent than to treat! Ardmore’s prevention program allows many illnesses to be avoided or their treatment time to be shortened. In caring for the health of our Clients, we offer a number of activities adapted to the needs of individual Clients. By only a few preventive steps, illness and consequently, medical services, can be avoided!

Preventive check-ups Ardmore’s Clients are encouraged to have a healthy life style, and to periodically check their health status. Early diagnosis and treatment of diseases avoid subsequent complications.


- Annual immunization against the flu: the immunization against the flu is a very effective method of reducing absenteeism due to illness.

- Other immunizations by request: depending on your needs and requirements, Ardmore organizes immunization against other illnesses (e.g.: against hepatitis types A and B, anti HPV vaccine against cervical cancer etc.).

Health Programs

- Ergonomy-Kinetotherapy Program

- Nutrition Program

- Cervical Cancer Screening

- Dislipidemy Screening

- Organizational Psychology

- Parents and Children Psychology Program

- Give up Smoking Support Program

The differentiated programs of medical care and services meet various needs of our Clients. Services available to our Clients are listed below :

Green Plan

White Plan

Blue Plan

Silver Plan

Gold Plan

24-hour Medical hotline

24-hour Ardmore ambulance

Annual Health Check-up - Occupational Health check-up included

First Aid training according to the law - for 5% of the employees

Access to General Practice Consultations at Ardmore Centres

Annual immunisation against the flu X

Exc. cost of vaccine

Specialists Consultations (direct access to Obstetrics-Gynaecology, Ophthalmology, Paediatrics and Dermatology, for others following a referral from a Ardmore primary care physician) X

5% discount

Outpatient diagnostic tests: all investigations available in Ardmore centres, following a referral from a Ardmore physician X

5% discount

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  • Customer Relationship Management - Ardmore Clinic.doc

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