Comparație sisteme bancare

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Publicat de: Zamfir Mihnea Jianu
Puncte necesare: 7
universitatea lucian blaga sibiu,facultatea de stiinte economice comparatie intre sistemul bancar romanesc si ecl al s.u.a

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The banking system is the body of different banks organized around and under the central bank to coordinate the operations of discount and re-discount credit, equity and management bank deposits.

The banking system includes the central bank, all commercial banks, business banks, deposit, credit, industrial, agricultural and other credit institutions existing in a country, differentiated by the particular powers and civil powers conferred on them by the law. The banking system in Romania was founded upon the establishment of the National Bank of Romania (1880). Then they appeared large and medium banks with capital and significant opportunities for obtaining loans from the NBR and the large foreign banks. In the interwar period, the banking system has developed as a result of foreign capital penetration. There were so Banca Italo - Romanian, Anglo - Romanian Franco - Romanian, etc.. After World War II were banks with state capital to raise funds available in the national economy and in the form of directed credit in the economy which were ARond. Structure Romanian banking system before 1990 was largely similar to that of other economies in Central and Eastern Europe, however, in some respects was more rigid and had a passive role in the economy. Romanian banking system before the reform consists of the National Bank of Romania, which both play the role of Central Bank and commercial banks and specialized investment, foreign trade, agriculture and economies. After 1990 the banking system is considered as the mechanism of the fragile economy in the sense that they felt most strongly induced shocks in the economy. Romanian banking system, although affected by the collapse of several private banks, has proved to be the best development, benefit the National Bank determinant influencing both commercial banks and economy development in general. Romanian banking system reform started in 1991 by creating a two tier system, the Bank loses its character as commercial bank (the detachment of the central bank BCR) and the field is open to new entrants bancari. In the period since 1990, despite some of syncope several banks received negatively by the population, the Romanian banking system is visibly more stable and better regulated than the rest of the economy as a whole by the presence of foreign banks among banks with equity joint Romanian - foreign investment, minimum capital requirement set by the central bank, creation of the Stock Exchange, prudential regulations such as maximum loan on a single client, investments in non-bank company, purchase packages of shares exceeding 5% of capital, ensuring public deposits with banks requirements of minimum reserves, the reserve fund and provisions specific risk tax deductible, the establishment of interbank settlements through the House of compensation rules in exchange.

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